Sunday, August 2, 2009

How do i make the background of a scroll box white using HTML?

My layout has a transparency code. I want to keep the layout transparent but make the background of the box white without being transparent.

How do i make the background of a scroll box white using HTML?
textarea, textarea:focus {

background-color: #fff;

color: #000;


You use CSS, not HTML to do this.

sim cards

How do i generate an email automatically in response to an html form?

If I make a form in dreamweaver (for a mailing list), just with the persons name and email entry fields, how do i set this up so that it sends that info to my email address, which then sends an automatic response back?

How do i generate an email automatically in response to an html form?
listen friend .. thats the below as php file. and call in form page:


$subject = "Contact Us from";

$to = "";

$from = $email;

$matter = "Contact Us Details (\n\n";

$matter .= "Name: $name\n";

$matter .= "Address: $address\n";

$matter .= "phone: $phone\n";

$matter .= "Fax: $fax\n";

$matter .= "Email: $email\n";

$matter .= "Requirements: $query\n";

$msg = nl2br($matter);

$msg = $matter;


//echo "your email is: ".@$_REQUEST["email"]."%26lt;br%26gt;";

//echo "your name is: $name\n"."%26lt;br%26gt;";

//echo "your email is: $email"."%26lt;br%26gt;";

//echo $name."%26lt;br%26gt;";

//echo @$_REQUEST["email"]."%26lt;br%26gt;";


How do I remove a html code from my front page on my website?

I put a html code into my website to add a banner to one of my page. This bannner did some weird thing like deleting some of my other data on the page. When I go to remove this banner there is not a box to delete it. I cant seem to find a way to remove this banner. This morning the affiliate company that gave me this banner contacted me and gave me what they said was a "remove code". I went into my website and added this "remove code" to the page, and the most horrible thing happened. Instead of removing this banner, this "code" added a second banner to the page, just like the first one. I cant figure out how to get this darn banner, and the second one, now off of this site. Can anyone help me. The page is in Tripod, and I have been using "Site Builder" to do the adding and deleting. Any help would be appreciated.

How do I remove a html code from my front page on my website?
Do you have a web page editor? You will also need a FTP program. Enter you site address in the FTP program, the user name and password and then connect. You will have a windows like interface with your web address where you can download and upload pages. I'm giving you a link to a web page editor and a free FTP client. Download your web page and edit out the extra code, upload it. Hope it works for you, good luck!
Reply:HTML is forgiving about leaving off the closing code. Example %26lt;table%26gt;%26lt;/table%26gt;, we can get away with leaving off the last markup. Usually, when you have added to a page or taken something off you have messed up this balancing act of open-command, close-command.
Reply:Lmao you got scammed. xD
Reply:View, Source then delete the html code in that. OR you may have typed the correct thing but must have forgotten to close the tag or a minor spelling error. Check it. Good Luck.
Reply:open the page in notepad (View %26gt;%26gt; Source) and delete the html code in that... save and try again.
Reply:Is there a "contact us" or help on Tripod? Maybe they can help you.
Reply:Okay first thing to do is find the code: look under view and highlight source and it will show you what to use to delete the banners.

How i can put picture to th e-mail i send like html page ?

I want to send a photo i don't want them to download it but the e-mail i send is the picture ,like making a HTML page ?

How i can put picture to th e-mail i send like html page ?
First off what email client are you using? This will narrow down your requirements.

for Outlook click here:

for Thunderbird click here:

How do you make html animation and color the background?

I have been fiddling with web pae and I really need some help so for those java programmers can you give a hint or two!

How do you make html animation and color the background?
1] You can create animation in HTML

Dreamweaver is able to create animation through clever use of JavaScript. Unlike Flash, which creates animation along Vector paths and timelines, JavaScript creates animation by plotting the location of an object in conjunction with time between each plot

Use dreamweaver to try this concept.

ch out the link


2] The HTML to change the background color is simple:


%26lt;TAGNAME bgcolor="value"%26gt;

chk out following examples:

%26lt;table bgcolor="lime" border="1"%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;

%26lt;td%26gt;A lime colored table background using color names.%26lt;/td%26gt;



%26lt;table bgcolor="#ff0000" border="1"%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;

%26lt;td%26gt;A red colored table background using hexadecimal values "#FF0000".%26lt;/td%26gt;



%26lt;table bgcolor="rgb(0, 0, 255)" border="1"%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;

%26lt;td%26gt;A blue colored table background using RGB values "rgb(0, 0, 255)".%26lt;/td%26gt;



With CSS you are able to set the background color or image of any CSS element. chk out couple examples of CSS backgrounds
Reply:Well for starters java may be the way you need to go or another animation tool such as Flash. As regular HTML coding will not do what you want, as the code will link to executable but is not executable itself.

As for BG Color codes for Back Ground colors there a lots: go here:
Reply:use %26lt;body bgcolor="#333333"%26gt; code. U can change the digits I put here to change color.
Reply:Animations are generally done using Flash these days, but you could also use javascript, applets, or even your own custom plugin (not recommended). There are other obscure ways as well.

garden ridge

How do I create an HTML based report that, through a form, allows me to enter multiple sets of data...?

How do I create an HTML based report that, through a form, allows me to enter multiple sets of data? The data would include text as well as images. Basically, I'm wanting to create a multi-column table, that can be updated via a separate form that uploads the data to the table, and automatically alphabetizes the data. Any thoughts?

How do I create an HTML based report that, through a form, allows me to enter multiple sets of data...?
For this you will need some help of a Server Side Programming Language such as PHP, ASP, etc etc...

Not possible using only HTML.

How do I create an HTML based report that, through a form, allows me to enter multiple sets of data...?

How do I create an HTML based report that, through a form, allows me to enter multiple sets of data? The data would include text as well as images. Basically, I'm wanting to create a multi-column table, that can be updated via a separate form that uploads the data to the table, and automatically alphabetizes the data. Any thoughts?

How do I create an HTML based report that, through a form, allows me to enter multiple sets of data...?
For this you will need some help of a Server Side Programming Language such as PHP, ASP, etc etc...

Not possible using only HTML.

How to dynamically position html element depending on screen specs?

What would the javascript code be like?

How to dynamically position html element depending on screen specs?
JavaScript!? No No No!

Use a CSS file to tell it that is should have a margin-left (or right, or top, or bottom, what ever takes your fancy) of x%

So, if I have a %26lt;div id='holder'%26gt; and I want it to be 40% wide, and centered easily:

div#holder {




How do you put html text in a box without the html showing?

like... in myspace, im gonna give someone the html code of a picture... but i dont want the picture to show... just the html code... like there's a box or something... then the html code is inside... how do you do that?

How do you put html text in a box without the html showing?
Convert the %26lt; and %26gt; symbols to their HTML entities, which are %26amp; lt; and %26amp; gt; respectively.

Remove the spaces in %26amp; lt; and %26amp; gt; I had to use them so Answers would show them.
Reply:Well, you could set the value...or you could have fun with the DOM. Create a bookmarklet, as JavaScript has full access to the DOM, ID the box, and slip in the value. Of course, this requires the intelligence necessary not to post this in the Programming section, so you must be out of luck, sweetie!
Reply:There is the way which is what you mentioned, with text area!

For example:


%26lt;img src="http://URL.gif"%26gt;


You can also format colors and fonts of your text area using CSS but that's another thing.

flowers for algernon

How do I add, a back to top option on my webpage using publisher.Also html for pop up when leaving a site?

Hello o am using microsoft publisher to make a website not the best i know but.I want my navigation buttons to be at both the top and bottom which i have done is there a way of adding somesort of form to the page or html coding that will make the page scrol to the top automatically.Thank you.Also whats the Html codeing to have a pop up come up when a user leaves the site thanks Lloyd :D

How do I add, a back to top option on my webpage using publisher.Also html for pop up when leaving a site?
"Back to top" is commonly done via an "anchor link", meaning it's a link to a certain area of the page...check your help documentation for anchor links.

as for the pop up on leaving, you might run a search on javascript source code site, I'm pretty sure you'll find what you're looking for.

good luck

How to view the html source code of the email, not the Yahoo javascript?

Right-clicking and selecting "view source" only shows the source for the whole Yahoo mail web page. This includes a link to, but not the source for, the actual email. I just want to see the html of that email!

How to view the html source code of the email, not the Yahoo javascript?
You can't online. That would require a separate email program and Yahoo Plus.


How do you make a break between two pictures in html code?

I'm messing around on my myspace page and there are two pictures that are literally on top of eachother. I wanted there to be a space in between them and I don't know how to write that into the code. I understand codes somewhat but I don't understand how to do this because the picture codes for each of them are separate but in form they look connected and I don't like that. Please be detailed in your answers as I am only a layman!

How do you make a break between two pictures in html code?
Try this:

%26lt;table border="0" width="100%"%26gt;


%26lt;td%26gt;%26lt;img src="YourPic1.jpg" border="0" /%26gt;%26lt;/td%26gt;

%26lt;td width="1%"%26gt; %26lt;/td%26gt;

%26lt;td%26gt;%26lt;img src="YourPic2.jpg" border="0" /%26gt;%26lt;/td%26gt;



You can just increase the "1%" to a larger value which will give you more space.
Reply:Type in
space between br and slash. Just plug this in between two pictures that you want spaced out.
Reply:%26lt;br%26gt; between the two %26lt;img%26gt; tags would put the images vertically next to each other, to achieve a vertical blank space a second %26lt;br%26gt; would be required.

%26amp; n b s p (all one word without the spaces)  between the two %26lt;img%26gt; tags would put the images horizontally next to each other, with a blank space in-between.

How do i make a forum from scratch using mostly html?

Any details would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

also, I would really appreciate haste with responses, because it is a very urgent assignment of mine to get this done PLZ HELP! Thanks!

How do i make a forum from scratch using mostly html?
If you don't already know html or coding, you are wasting your time. Making a forum is not a small job. One recommendation: go to Craigslist and advertise for a programmer and see if anyone responds to help you out.

Good Luck,
Reply:If you are going to run forum site using phpbb2 or vbulletin, then you can select BlueHost as your forum hosting plan. This service is superior with perfect server uptime (over the internet). BlueHost server is fast too, and it doesn’t cost you much, just $6.95/month.

They have a really great offer for hosting %26amp; I have used them for over 3 yrs now, and have never had a single problem with them. (One of my websites is a forum site)

You can go there through the address below:

Here I have copied and pasted its features from their website to view:

- Multi-awarded

- Free Domain Forever

- 1500 Gigabyte Hosting Space

- 15000 GIGS of Transfer

- Host UNLIMITED Domains (Support All Domain Names)

- 2,500 POP/Imap Email Accounts

- SSH (Secure Shell), SSL, FTP, Stats

- CGI, Ruby (RoR), Perl, PHP, MySQL

- 2000/2002 Front Page Extensions

- Free Site Builder

- 24/7 Superb/Responsive Sales/Support

- Free Search Engine Submission

They also offer an installing service called "Fantastico". By using this service, you can easily create your own forum etc.


* This service was awarded as the best Web Host 2008.

* If you sign up for this service you will have $100 credits to advertise your created forum with the google %26amp; yahoo search engines for free!


Good Luck!
Reply:Well i wont say its impossible, but it would take you ages to do it with HTML, and you surely wouldnt get the same results as using say, php and mysql. Why not just upload some free forum software to your domain, such as simple machines forum?
Reply:its not possible, Coding a forum requires SQL database and severside programing so it is impossible to actually do it with html. you could try getting free forum some doesnt even give ads on them

To your success

learn visual basic

business cards

Can I start a Website without knowing HTML?

I want to write ebooks and sell them on my own website. However, I know NOTHING about HTML.

Do I have to learn HTML or is there a way around it?

Can I start a Website without knowing HTML?
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Reply:You want to look into getting drag-and-drop software for creating your website. However, in the long run it might be worthwhile to learn basic HTML.


Microsoft Frontpage

Adobe Dreamweaver
Reply:you CAN do it without knowing HTML. If you do, please do not use any microsoft products to make your pages. They can be good products, and are easy to use. The problem is that microsoft internet explorer uses A LOT of tags and content that other browsers do not support. All of their html generators like to use those tags, so your pages won't always work for nearly 40% of web users.

Adobe seems to have a pretty good set of tools (they are expensive for a reason).

But really no matter what you do, you will only benefit yourself by learning at least some HTML. In a weeks time just spending 30 minutes a day you can learn most of the HTML language. In fact you could read through the entire spec in less time than it will take you to go to the store and buy software to make the pages for you.

read through a few tutorials there and you will be surprised how really easy it can be.
Reply:May be you can contact a web designer.

You can find many web designers at website like , you can just post your requirements at the website and let many web designers bid for your project.

You can hire whoever you like.

Do not pay any money afront however.
Reply:no but html has 1000000 websites like

Reply:Learning HTML is probably the best thing for you to do. There are some free web hosts as well as some paid that offer 'drag and drop' development interfaces that require little to no HTML knowledge. Check int GoDaddy as well as 1 and 1 hosting to see what they offer.

Good luck!
Reply:If you have Microsoft Word, go to save as %26gt; type %26gt; html and upload the file you just saved.

You can just upload a .txt file or print a .pdf, there're various free pdf creators out there.

How do I start a online business with very little HTML knowledge?

I can use the internet very well and know the basics of creating a web page but where can I find helping hints like how to take credit card payments and making a form.

How do I start a online business with very little HTML knowledge?
If you use Yahoo's Internet Merchant program they give you the web space, the web designs, and help you setup a credit card merchant if you don't have one. Good luck with your business.
Reply:You need a business that provides a free website to market from. Write me here at yahoo.
Reply:So far, the best webhost, I've seen on the internet who help people with little technical knowledge is

They help you with the whole process - website development, promotion and more.

For the service they offer, they charge pittance.

Most of the people that host with them are in the top 1% of the internet according to ALEXA
Reply:try and for help

birthday cards

How do I position scripts in my html document?

I am trying to position a script in my html document but I am having trouble. can I position it in my css commands? Anyone know html help me out!

How do I position scripts in my html document?
Show us the site or the script!

If you have a css layout already .. you can modify the php file to makes its output use the CSS layouts with classes like

%26lt;p class=yourparagraphclass%26gt; something %26lt;/p%26gt;

Hope it helps some!

Blue Chip Hosting staff,
Reply:Assuming it's something like Javascript, you can put it anywhere in the HTML. Generally, long scripts go in the header. Don't put it inside your css %26lt;style%26gt; tags, as it may confuse the css.

They always say to comment-out the script inside the %26lt;script%26gt; tags, so as not to confuse old browsers. I always do this, but I don't know how necessary it is these days.

Anyway, here is how I do it:



%26lt;title%26gt;Name of the page%26lt;/title%26gt;

%26lt;style%26gt;css statements%26lt;/style%26gt;

%26lt;script language="javascript"%26gt;


script commands







Reply:you can put it before or after the body tag..
Reply:What kind of script are you trying to put on page ??

What is url of site ??

If you put some details up I'll try to help,, going to bed pretty soon so if I don't get back to it tonight I'll look in the morning

How do I put a text area on a picture in HTML?

I have this html text area and I have a picture from a website url. I have the picture set perfectly, but the text area always ends up next to it or underneath it. It's already transparent, so I wanted to have it on the picture. Is there any way to make them overlap?

How do I put a text area on a picture in HTML?
maybe you're searching for this

%26lt;textarea rows="16" cols="57" style="background-image: url('mypicture.jpg')"%26gt;%26lt;/textarea%26gt;
Reply:Yes, set the picture as a background with CSS, and then set your textarea in the same div or table.

the CSS

#pic {

bacground: url(the link here to your pic);


the HTML

%26lt;div id="pic"%26gt;

%26lt;textarea name="name"%26gt;%26lt;/textarea%26gt;



Greg Winn
Reply:You can't use HTML to make text overlap a picture unless the picture is your background.
Reply:i would use paint edit the pic insert the text where u want in paint resave it and load the saved 1 up in html placed perfect on the pic :D

What smartphones have HTML web browsers that are as good or almost as good the iPhone's?

I want an iPod Touch because of the beautiful Safari web browser, but are there any cheaper mobile devices that are still easy to use on the web?

What smartphones have HTML web browsers that are as good or almost as good the iPhone's?
yes like blackjack ,but to be honest with the screen of the ipod or the iphone i say iphone without thinking ,but if they money is the issue then black jack it is.

Good Luck

What is the html code for no right click and no hightlight to copy and paste?

I am trying to protect my website content. Is there a code I can put in my template to disable right click and also no highlighting so it cannot be copied and pasted? Thanks very much.

What is the html code for no right click and no hightlight to copy and paste?
Here will kill the right click

%26lt;SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1"%26gt;

%26lt;!-- Original: Martin Webb ( --%26gt;

%26lt;!-- This script and many more are available free online at --%26gt;

%26lt;!-- The JavaScript Source!! --%26gt;

%26lt;!-- Begin

function right(e) {

if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape' %26amp;%26amp;

(e.which == 3 || e.which == 2))

return false;

else if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' %26amp;%26amp;

(event.button == 2 || event.button == 3)) {

alert("I'm sorry, The Right click option on your mouse has been disabled for the download window pages.");

return false;


return true;




if (document.layers) window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);

if (document.layers) window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP);



// End --%26gt;


But all they have to do is turn off their JS and it doesn't work.

There's another for the C/P but it would make this answer too long...
Reply:That would be javascript.


What is the html code that can put pictures side by side on a webpage?

I am attempting to write a Doctor Who article, and I need to make several pictures appear side by side in a particular section of the article.

What is the html code that can put pictures side by side on a webpage?
lay them out in a table. To put three pictures side-by-side:



%26lt;td%26gt; %26lt;img src="images/ image1.jpg" alt=""%26gt; %26lt;/td%26gt;

%26lt;td%26gt; %26lt;img src="images/ image2.jpg" alt=""%26gt; %26lt;/td%26gt;

%26lt;td%26gt; %26lt;img src="images/ image3.jpg" alt=""%26gt; %26lt;/td%26gt;


Reply:%26lt;embed obj="obj" href="url"...%26lt;/embed%26gt;
Reply:Just use the [img src = http://url.this] (and replace [] with %26lt;%26gt;) tag and place a couple of them right after each other.
Reply:creat a table accroding to your requirement and put a pic in each cell
Reply:if you put align="left" for the images then they will get side by side as well.

What internet site can i use to make a webpage using html?

i need a web design site such as but i need it so i can use html to create my page and also i need it to be FREE please thanks a lot!

What internet site can i use to make a webpage using html?
Google Page Creator is a free online tool that makes it easy for anyone to create and publish useful, attractive web pages in just minutes.

No technical knowledge required.

Build high-quality web pages without having to learn HTML or use complex software.

What you see is what you'll get.

Edit your pages right in your browser, seeing exactly how your finished product will look every step along the way.

Don't worry about hosting.

Your web pages will live on your own site at
Reply:The best things in life are FREE!

Check out this site:

How do you show all the HTML junk for a site?

I know you need to write in HTML codes and stuff to build a site. Does anyone know any way to read the site in its HTML codes instead of the graphics and stuff themselves?


How do you show all the HTML junk for a site?
right click on your browser and select "view source" that should show HTML code for the browser
Reply:Just right click on the page and pick "View Source" to view the HTML.
Reply:On Internet Explorer, right click and select "View Source"
Reply:RightClick on the webpage and select "View Source"

(opens with notepad)

There you go. This is html code for that site, however you can only see the layout and display things here but not the server side code which is written in ASP.


What is the html code for a code box?

What is the html code for a code box?

I am making a Thanksgiving recipe layout site but I need to show my members the code for the layout.

For say you wanted "Turkey" or "Stuffing Recipes"

I need a code box . To Display to certain members

Would anyone know where i can find one, or does anyone know the actual code itself?

What is the html code for a code box?
Well since you here anyway, You don't need a "code box" that would display the html code why would you want to do that on a recipe page.

You want a "Frame Box" That would put borders around your list or selections.
Reply:You are in Yahoo /Travel/ Europe/ Turkey Section. Maybe you may want to ask your question in a related section.

I think Yahoo routed to you here because you mentioned the word "Turkey".

I would suggest you to check where your question is going to show up next time so you get appropriate answers..

Have a good day..
Reply:Well, first of all before you focus on HTML codes focus on your posting skills.

Your HTML Code should be;


printable cards

How do you hyperlink a text like this using HTML or others?


I know how to hyperlink a normal text by using

%26lt;a href="link"%26gt;text%26lt;/a%26gt;

But how do you hyperlink a text where the underline only appears when you onmouseover it? Like the Sign Out or My Account on top of the Yahoo! Answers page. Hope there is an expert out there who can help. Thanks a lot.

How do you hyperlink a text like this using HTML or others?
Use CSS to define a class for the desired link properties, like so:


a.tclass:link {text-decoration: none;}

a.tclass:visited {text-decoration: none;}

a.tclass:active {text-decoration: none;}

a.tclass:hover {text-decoration: underline;}


Then call the class in the link:

%26lt;a href="" class="tclass"%26gt;text to link%26lt;/a%26gt;

And bone up on CSS:
Reply:You can use CSS.

Between the %26lt;HEAD%26gt; and %26lt;/HEAD%26gt; tags, write this:

%26lt;STYLE type="text/css"%26gt;

A:link {text-decoration: none}

A:visited {text-decoration: none}

A:hover {text-decoration: underline}

A:active {text-decoration: none}


Link is a plain link (usually navy blue)

Visited is a link that's already been clicked upon (usually purple)

Hover is when you have a mouseover state

Active is a link when you click on it (red, but not used much anymore)
Reply:Cascading Style Sheets (CCS) can be used for this. What you'll do is set one style for regular links and one for links with a mouse over them. Do as the other answerer said and google a web tutorial.
Reply:That can be done with CSS. Check out some web tutorials.

How do I download a music file that is in HTML format?

I have downloaded music files that are in HTML format and when I open them, they do not download music but display text characters.

How do I download a music file that is in HTML format?
most likly they are liknks to the files or maybe the site has anti leach enabled

Is it possible to insert a database to a html dropdown menu?

What I'm trying to do is, insert a oracle database into a dropdown menu using flash or fireworks or whatever works, so when the database is updated the dropdown would include those updates. I hope this makes sense, if you need more clarification let me know.

Is it possible to insert a database to a html dropdown menu?
The preferred method is to use a server side scripting technology which requires that your server have the platform installed on it. You can't do this with just flash alone since it would present a huge open hole to your database if people could just make requests from things hosted on a web page.

The two hot ones right now are PHP and ASP.NET. Both have huge user communities to help new users get started, and both have a very active development community making the technology better every day.

In the construct is called "databinding". In the code, behind your page (on page load), you just do something like

myDropdownlist.dataSource =

myOracleHelper.GetSomeCodesAndValues("... staement");

myDropdownlist.DataValueField = "codeValue";

myDropdownlist.DataTextField = "description";


With something like that, the list presented to users would be updated any time you edit the table in the database.

For some beginners information on how works, check out

further beginners video tutorials can be found burried in the menus at
Reply:You could do it with php.
Reply:you should be able to incorporate some server side code using Flash's Actionscript (if you are already using a flash based site).

Fireworks? isn't that basically photoshop? I don't know what that would have to do with database connectivity.

You are going to need some sort of Server Side scripting. Find what kinds of scripting your server supports and go with that one.

What is the format and parameters of the HTML style tag?

2. What is the format and parameters of a Linked Stylesheet?

3. What is the format of imported stylesheet?

How is a stylesheet embedded in an HTML document?

How is an inline style added to an HTML tag?

What is the order of precedence for inline, embedded, linked, and imported styles?

What is the format to change the style of an HTML tag?

What is a style “class”?

How can you apply the a class to different tags throughout the web page?

How do you place an image in the background that is centered and does not move with the text?

What is the format and parameters of the HTML style tag?
Check out You should be able to find all the answers there.

love song lyrics

What do people think about HTML in email newsletters?

If you sign up for email updates or notices from a company, are you put off by HTML formatting (images / background colors / etc) in the emails? Is there a point where the HTML formatting is too much? How to you feel about: inline links, font-sizes / text-formatting, background colors, tables, etc? What's acceptable and what isn't?

What do people think about HTML in email newsletters?
I think most are better WITH the HTML formatting than without. Although, if there is too much formatting or too many pictures so that it takes a long time to load, it doesn't look good at all.
Reply:it's better if the email contains the HTML code

looks better and easier to comprehend
Reply:As long as they are not using the HTML formatting to display banner ads it is okay. It usually adds to the readability of the newsletter.

How can I convert an HTML page into a graphic?

I just finished an HTML page and I want to email a preview as to how the site will look. How can I email it as a picture with sending over the completed HTML file?

How can I convert an HTML page into a graphic?
Easiest method I still use....

1) Hit "Print Screen" on your keyboard.

2) Paste it into a photo editing program (Photoshop) or even Microsoft Paint.

3) Save as JPG
Reply:Hey, I work as an assistant webdesigner. If you made a html page and you want to see it copy all of you html code and paste it in notepad under accesories in your start menu then save it as the title what you want then ad htm at the end of your name for example Jonswebsite.htm also dont use any spaces. If that doesnt work open up microsoft front page under start menu when that opens open your html document in front page. Once it opens click design, you will se it on the bottom of the page. Good Luck.
Reply:You could do a screen dump. Under Windows you can hold down control and press the "print screen" key on the keyboard (usually found in the upper right-hand corner of the keyboard to the right of the function keys). Then you open Microsoft Paint and select "Paste" from the edit menu. You can then save the picture as a .JPG or other file format suitable for using as an email attachment.
Reply:You can add as an attachment of your email.

Or you can press PRT SCR button in your keyboard and paste it in a graphic editor program. Then you can save it or export in a format you like, for exampe jpeg or bmp.
Reply:Press the Print Screen button. Then paste it into MSPaint...

Of course, this assumes you are running Windows... If another OS, please let me know.
Reply:Take a screen shot of the page by selecting "Print Screen" and then open it in a program like Photo Shop by hitting Control V.

Your other option is to put the mock up on a server on a temporary page and send the link to the person you are trying to share this with.

I want to make an indent on my webpage does this require html?

I would like to indent my text however, just simply indenting isn't working is there an html for this? Also, what cool html codes can I put on my site to make it not just about content. I want more possibly video?! Well, I don't know, you are the expert so please tell me!

I want to make an indent on my webpage does this require html?
There are a few ways to indent using HTML, all of which have their drawbacks. I'd recommend using a simple CSS code like this.

In the head section:

%26lt;STYLE TYPE="text/css"%26gt;




padding-left: 50pt;

padding-right: 50pt;




Then add the following to your paragraph %26lt;p%26gt; tag:

%26lt;P CLASS="indented"%26gt;

As for cool codes, you might look into Javascript. It has a lot more capabilities than HTML.
Reply:The guy above me (catbertnc) basically explained the indent, so I can explain the video/music additions and stuff.

Basically, I advise if you want background music to NOT USE %26lt;bgsound="URL"%26gt; because only Internet Explorer accepts that code and Firefox, Opera and others won't play the sound clip. And if it's gonna be background music then try to have it be a small MIDI file that can loop repeatedly without it being TOO obvious. If you want background music, use the %26lt;embed src="URL" width="x" height="y" autostart="y/n"%26gt; (URL, x, y and y/n are VARIABLES) although, if you want it SEEMLESS background music that code would be:

%26lt;embed src="URL" width="0" height="0" autostart="true"%26gt; but if you want the play/pause button visible:

%26lt;embed src="URL" width="60" height="60: autostart="true"%26gt;

if you want the music to be streaming if the user CHOOSES to listen to it, then you just create a new page and use the exact same code as above, just change the height and width.


look at the youtube code:

%26lt;object width="425" height="355"%26gt;%26lt;param name="movie" value="URL"%26gt;%26lt;/param%26gt;%26lt;param name="wmode" value="transparent"%26gt;%26lt;/param%26gt;%26lt;embed src="URL" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"%26gt;%26lt;/embed%26gt;%26lt;/object%26gt;

it doesn't have to be NEARLY as complicated. But, I advise that you convert the video files into a Flash .flv format that has a play-pause button so it doesn't continue to play when the person needs it to pause.

really, you can just use a simpler code like this:

%26lt;embed src="URL" width="x" height="y" autostart="y/n"%26gt; (once again, variables)

all of the multimedia where URL shows up, make sure it is NOT THE PAGE, but THE FILE'S LINK. all the width and height measurements are in PIXELS, and the only two options for autostart are True and False.

Tips for video

have the width and height the same as the file that's being embedded, to keep the best quality.

Turn the file into a .flv with a play-pause button

Tips for Audio

try to have a play-pause button visible (i recommend 60 x 60) so that the user can pause the music.

Keep the file size small so the clip loads faster and doesn't freeze and chop up.

Oh yeah:

WATCH YOUR BANDWIDTH. Media like streaming video and audio are bandwidth (data transfer) hogs and can easily send you over your limit with your provider.

How can I convert from rich text format to HTML or BBCode?

I have a document in Microsoft WordPad that I need to convert to HTML or BBCode or something to prevent all the text formatting from being lost when posted on a forum. Is there any way to do this?

How can I convert from rich text format to HTML or BBCode?
What I discovered was I can copy formatted text from Microsoft World and paste it into Blogger on a new post and then click the HTML tab to view the code.

greeting cards

How do you turn a Word document into a Html?

I am trying to send my resume to this company online, and it doesnt take says it needs to be in a doc format, or a html format......but i have no idea how to do that.

How do you turn a Word document into a Html?
When you are ready to save, go to save as; and select from the menu. There should be an html choice on the dropdown menu.
Reply:save the document with (yourtitle).html



good luck!!

What the html code for a scrolling text box?

I am looking to have my text scroll as I roll over an up and down arrow or as I click on next or previous.. what's the copy and paste html code? How do I edit it?

What the html code for a scrolling text box?
Use this cod :












Reply:heres one that works nice:

%26lt;div align="center"%26gt;%26lt;FONT

color="#ffffff" size="+1"%26gt;%26lt;MARQUEE bgcolor="#000080"

direction="right" loop="20" width="75%"%26gt;%26lt;STRONG%26gt;This

is cool!%26lt;/STRONG%26gt;%26lt;/MARQUEE%26gt;%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/DIV%26gt;

How do I use HTML to make the font size smaller than the HTML 1 size?

I want to make font on a website smaller than the standard HTML 1 size (which isn't 1pt).

I tried putting 1pt, like I've seen before, but that made the text about 36pt.

I DO NOT want to use CSS, as all it does is confuses me.

Thanks in advance.

How do I use HTML to make the font size smaller than the HTML 1 size?
HTML cannot put font size into pixel (px). The %26lt;font size="1"%26gt; not means that thhe font size is just 1px (not pt), it is 9px actually. I really recommend you use CSS styles to help you, I can teach you.



BODY { font-size: 1px !Important;} (put !Important for IE problem)



After add in that CSS style within your %26lt;head%26gt;%26lt;/head%26gt;, every font in your website you can show it how small you want.
Reply:but !important can be overridden by a viewers internal style sheet they set up in their own browser.

another thing to is in style sheets there is no upper limit on font-size. try font-size:2000pt :)

How do you have round borders in html web pages?

I would like to have round corners at the borders on my web pages that would look more stylish than the normal sharp corners.

Hope you can help.

How do you have round borders in html web pages?
This border with round corners effect will only work if the curves are called up after the horizontal and vertical lines in the HTML code. This is because each new %26lt;div%26gt; is effectively a layer on top of the previous %26lt;div%26gt;.

By calling up the horizontal and vertical lines first, we can then layer the round curves on top of these lines through our CSS background commands. The outside colour of the curves is white (not transparent) and hides the sharp edges of the corners, creating our desired round corners effect.

Here is the Html code.

%26lt;div class="t"%26gt;%26lt;div class="b"%26gt;%26lt;div class="l"%26gt;%26lt;div class="r"%26gt;%26lt;div class="bl"%26gt;%26lt;div class="br"%26gt;%26lt;div class="tl"%26gt;%26lt;div class="tr"%26gt;

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit


And the CSS that makes a round corner border is:

.t {background: url(dot.gif) 0 0 repeat-x; width: 20em}

.b {background: url(dot.gif) 0 100% repeat-x}

.l {background: url(dot.gif) 0 0 repeat-y}

.r {background: url(dot.gif) 100% 0 repeat-y}

.bl {background: url(bl.gif) 0 100% no-repeat}

.br {background: url(br.gif) 100% 100% no-repeat}

.tl {background: url(tl.gif) 0 0 no-repeat}

.tr {background: url(tr.gif) 100% 0 no-repeat; padding:10px}

Play with it and see how it looks

flower arranging

How can I post an example of some html code in myspace and just show the code?

The problem is if you type code it works, so how do you show the code itself in a html document?

How can I post an example of some html code in myspace and just show the code?
put %26lt;Z%26gt; in the middle of the code
Reply:just type it in as text

How can I used mailto to have the email client recognize a string as HTML?

I have a HTML page that I am trying to email to someone, but the page is all marked up with HTML tags. I would like to use the mailTo command to send the page to my email client and have the email client recognize/parse the HTML tags to produce a readable email. How do I do this?

How can I used mailto to have the email client recognize a string as HTML?
The answer to your question depends on just what sort of HTML tags you have, and what email client you are using, because there are variations out there. But here's a way to do it, if the HTML is valid HTML that a browser can display with no problems, and if you are using Outlook Express. Any email client will be similar, but the details would be different.

First, select "Create Mail".

At the bottom of the compose window, click the "Source" tab.

Use Wordpad or Notepad or a similar text editor to open the file containing the HTML code you want to send. Select the code, not including the HTML, HEAD or BODY tags, and copy it to your clipboard.

Go back to the window where you selected "Source", and paste the code in, in the proper place.

It's possible some of the code belongs in the HEAD section, and the rest belongs in the BODY section. I trust you can place the code correctly.

Select the "Preview" tab to make sure the result is what you wanted.

You will need to select the "Edit" tab in order to send the message.

How do you add links to non flash webpages from a flash based webpage as html dones'nt seem to work?

I am building a site that is flash based, I also have another site that is non flash based, I would like to add a link on my flash based site to the other site which is the non flash based one.

Sorry if this sounds con fusing.

How do you add links to non flash webpages from a flash based webpage as html dones'nt seem to work?
Please post the AS that you used.

What is the easiest way to build a website if all I know is basic HTML?

I just want to play around and learn how to build websites easily and cheaply. Any suggestions?

What is the easiest way to build a website if all I know is basic HTML?
the best way to learn html is here:
Reply:To look for free layouts from websites and modify them to your liking with your knowledge of HTML.
Reply:If you're unwilling to learn more html and advance on to CSS then really you will never go far. If you want to learn html then follow the w3schools link someone linked you to. It is the best site for html on the web and its fantastic.

Your other option is spalsh out the money and buy dreamweaver and design on their. But I would suggest, if you choose this option, that you look at the code while designing so you get an idea of whats going on.
Reply:You can find step by step guide on how to create a website at website like .
Reply:use dreamweaver ,u dont even need to know html. i dont and i make websites for a living..cant get easier than that.
Reply:RIPPIR is right, is a great place to start. I learned CSS and alot of html from them, there is even a free section where you can make code changes and see how the affect the web page. If you can put out the money adobe dreamweaver is great. It will save you from having to learn most of the programming and makes building a website as easy as drag and drop.
Reply:Hello, Go to this site and you will be ok. I have used it when I first started learning. Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:get some webspace

flower arrangement

How Do I Add Music and and Color an entire page a solid color in HTML?

How Do I Add Music and and Color an entire page a solid color in HTML?

How Do I Add Music and and Color an entire page a solid color in HTML?
%26lt;body bgcolor="YOUR COLOR"%26gt;

%26lt;embed src="FULL URL OF THE FILE" autostart="true"%26gt;

That should do it...

and u can change autostart to false if u like just depends on if u want it to start automatically
Reply:Hi depending on how you want the music to play would determine the code you would need to use . I use bgsound=" link here and then be sure to close your tage with the "%26gt; at the end of the file. for the complet cover in one color you have to enter it as a background using the background code for that and enter in the body of your stucture backgrround=" then Hope this helped you :)_
Reply:for music, it's something like this

%26lt;a href="http://www....../yourname.mp3%26gt; Your tag %26lt;/a%26gt;

for the background:

%26lt;body bgcolor="red"%26gt;


check out this site. it explains more.

How do I convert eml files onto HTML page or other database)?

I have about 500,000 individual eml files (emails) that were produced but need to convert them to html or a Access database. I would also like to post it on an internal website and have the ability to edit the page. I ran a search online but the shareware does not work.

How do I convert eml files onto HTML page or other database)?
try to visit this website

many tools for emails

good luck

How do I pass a variable from an embedded .swf flash file to html?

I am trying to figure out how to pass a variable from flash to an html page. For example: Lets say I have an html page with an embedded flash .swf file and a read only text box, and when the user clicks on button 1 in the flash file, the text box reads 'One', and when the user clicks on button 2, the text box reads 'Two'. Keep in mind that the text box isn't in the flash .swf file, but on the html page itself.

I've looked around quite a bit and can't seem to find the solution. All I've found is a bunch of articles on how to pass variable to a swf file, not retrieve them from it.

How do I pass a variable from an embedded .swf flash file to html?
You will have to do this via javascript. You can have your flash actionscript call javascript functions on the HTML page. Then through that you can easily set the text of a textbox using javascript DOM functionality.

The following message board talks a bit about it and provides some code that shows you some actionscript / javascript action. This should give you an idea of how you can merge the two to produce your desired result.

Good luck

How do you find out what the HTML code is of webpage you're viewing?

Also: Is it legal to copy html code from another website?

How do you find out what the HTML code is of webpage you're viewing?
In Internet Explorer: Right-click and click on View Source to get a box with the HTML.

In Firefox: Right-click and click on View Page Source.

Its legality is somewhat of a gray area; using it for learning purposes is fine, but blatantly copying someone else's code without asking them and referencing them violates copyright law.

Note: in well-written webpages, this won't include the CSS (layout) code, so it may be slightly useless for trying to copy a design. For that, you have to find the stylesheet link that'll be near the top of the page, and it'll say something like; this is a CSS file that you can download that will contain the layout code.
Reply:right click on the webpage and go to view source a txt box will pop up with the code and it is perfectly legal or you wouldnt be able to get it.
Reply:In Internet Explorer, go to "View --%26gt; Source". This process is similar in other browsers.

Also, if you are using the html code as if you are its author, then it is illegal.

eurovision song contest

Where can I find people with HTML, JAVA, and Dreamweaver experience to help me start a Web based business?

Looking for Business partners to help me start this business. I have the business savvy, but I need webmasters to handle the technicial end.

Where can I find people with HTML, JAVA, and Dreamweaver experience to help me start a Web based business?
try or hotjobs.comj or
Reply:you can post a ad on myspace carrers

Can people block a web site by what is typed in the comment of an HTML source code?

Can a web site be blocked by what is in a comment? The comment itself would not appear on the page, only in the HTML source code so it wouldn't be blocked because it is not visible, right?

Can people block a web site by what is typed in the comment of an HTML source code?
It's not possible to block the website just by an HTML comment. It's not even possible by HTML alone, but using other languages such as JavaScript.

How do you make a sign up box that send resalts to your email in HTML?

How do you make a sign up box that send resalts to your email in HTML? for a freewebs website.

How do you make a sign up box that send resalts to your email in HTML?
You need to insert a form in the page and attach a mailer script to it. See the link for one such example.
Reply:The best place for this would be in your company's break room. Make a large sign saying "results". Have co-workers submit their results on paper, then give it to a secretary to create a spreadsheet and send the e-mail. I've been doing this for years without a hitch.
Reply:If you have a yahoo webhosting account, you can find an email form under the section; FORMS ..

Otherwise you can use perl or PHP or javascript to make one.

Reply:What's a resalt?

How do I make sure My MYSPACE blog is in HTML mode?

How do I make sure my MySpace blog is in HTML mode? I make layouts and I need it to be in HTML mode. Help!! THNKU--First answer that is correct gets 10 PTS

How do I make sure My MYSPACE blog is in HTML mode?
Simple, read the code over and double check for any javscript or perl entries.

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