Sunday, August 2, 2009

How do i generate an email automatically in response to an html form?

If I make a form in dreamweaver (for a mailing list), just with the persons name and email entry fields, how do i set this up so that it sends that info to my email address, which then sends an automatic response back?

How do i generate an email automatically in response to an html form?
listen friend .. thats the below as php file. and call in form page:


$subject = "Contact Us from";

$to = "";

$from = $email;

$matter = "Contact Us Details (\n\n";

$matter .= "Name: $name\n";

$matter .= "Address: $address\n";

$matter .= "phone: $phone\n";

$matter .= "Fax: $fax\n";

$matter .= "Email: $email\n";

$matter .= "Requirements: $query\n";

$msg = nl2br($matter);

$msg = $matter;


//echo "your email is: ".@$_REQUEST["email"]."%26lt;br%26gt;";

//echo "your name is: $name\n"."%26lt;br%26gt;";

//echo "your email is: $email"."%26lt;br%26gt;";

//echo $name."%26lt;br%26gt;";

//echo @$_REQUEST["email"]."%26lt;br%26gt;";


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