Friday, July 31, 2009

How can you get a X and Y position of a textbox in HTML?

I need the absolute position of a TextBox in HTML. I use Javascript for scripting.

How can you get a X and Y position of a textbox in HTML?
To get the textbox position, put the following into your code

xpos=document.getElementById( "tb" ).offsetLeft;

ypos=document.getElementById( "tb" ).offsetTop;

where tb is the id of textbox

Here's a demo of the solution go to menu View, source for the complete code.

In the demo, use your mouse to push the textbox around, the co-ordination of the textbox will change accordingly, it works on IE, Firefox or Opera.

Hope this helps.
Reply:style="position:absolute" :)
Reply:This willl help you to do this.

function getAbsolutePosition(element){

var ret = new Point();


element %26amp;%26amp; element != document.body;

ret.translate(element.offsetLeft, element.offsetTop), element = element.offsetParent


return ret;


function Point(x,y){

this.x = x || 0;

this.y = y || 0;

this.toString = function(){

return '('+this.x+', '+this.y+')';


this.translate = function(dx, dy){

this.x += dx || 0;

this.y += dy || 0;


this.getX = function(){ return this.x; }

this.getY = function(){ return this.y; }

this.equals = function(anotherpoint){

return anotherpoint.x == this.x %26amp;%26amp; anotherpoint.y == this.y;



All the Best.

flower arranging

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